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Informed Decision Making

"Being surrounded by diverse points of view pushes us beyond our comfort zones. And when people and teams bring multiple perspectives and experiences to the table, the discussions are deeper, the decision-making process is better, and the solutions are stronger."

Pierre Nanterme

Informed Decision Making Reflection

In my line of work, data drives everything that I do. From test scores to behavior tracking and educational trends, it’s important to me that I assess and hit the largest areas of need. Above all, I want to ensure instruction and proper resources are utilized to hit the needs of the community and patrons I serve.

In my portfolio, you will see examples of areas addressed specific to my district and campus’ needs. One of the first assignments completed this past year in LIS 524 (Developing General & Specialized Collections) was to thoroughly analyze the community I work in. This includes administration, students, teachers, and parents. I’ve always believed in the expression, “it takes a village to raise a family,” and the longer I serve in education, the more I believe this to be true. Therefore, it’s important to know and understand the village and the supports I can offer.

I’ve also included several assignments that can help improve the current library at my campus. This particular campus is due for a refresh and many ideas I came up with were shared with the district as plans to remodel the library were being created.

EdTech Blog

The pressure to implement the best tools of practice for my elementary-aged students is something I've always placed upon myself. It's not good enough for only some students in my classroom to grow-they all must be and feel successful. I'm not arrogant enough to believe I have all of the answers, but I am never going to stop searching for them. Using my knowledge I've learned throughout my courses of study, I am equipped to offer research-based materials to ensure student success. (see Blog above)

The search for the best pedagogical and technological affordances to teach content is ever-changing as programs and technology are constantly improved upon and enhanced. As I picture myself as a future librarian, it's this hunger for effective resources that I feel will drive collaboration with other educators and instruction to be transformative. I can't wait to learn more as I continue my EdTech Program and throughout my career. 

Collection Development

It's also important to note that as a librarian, my job is to be aware of the Collection Development Policy for my campus/district. The artifact below has the CDP for my current district. It also includes a list of questions that every librarian should be asking when considering materials for their library's collection. I believe to be informed, you must be willing to ask questions. 


Marketing Plan-Looking at the needs of my campus, I created an idea to benefit and target the needs of the community and patrons my library serves-incorporating a Maker Space program. The marketing plan goes into details of items that are needed, as well as specific skills that will be targeted.

Facilities Plan-This plan serves to benefit and update the media resource space, using a needs evaluation. 

Community Analysis-This analysis is used to identify the patrons served-staff, students, and community, while identifying some tools needs to be all inclusive and build an atmosphere to promote learning.